Advocating for Quality & Accessible Medical Care in Maryland
INTRODUCED BY: Montgomery County Medical Society
SUBJECT: Advocating for Quality & Accessible Medical Care in Maryland
- Whereas, the State of Maryland entered into a waiver in 1971 which was replaced by the Maryland
- All Payor Model in 2014; and then modified again in 2019 as the Total Cost of Care Model; and
- Whereas, since 2019, many hospitals in Maryland have reduced services, OR time, and have not
- replaced existing equipment or acquired innovative equipment because of the global budget
- program; and
- Whereas, the Total Cost of Care Model is causing declines in the quality and availability of inpatient
- medical care according to critical care physicians who rely on hospitals to provide care to their
- patients, and impacting outpatient care including ER wait times; and
- Whereas, the current Total Cost of Care Model will be replaced in 2026 with the new AHEAD
- model; and
- Whereas, the Health Services Cost Review Commission is charged with the financial administration
- of this model; however has limited authority to regulate or oversee the quality of care provided in
- inpatient or outpatient facilities; and
- Whereas, MedChi has developed recommendations for inclusion in the AHEAD model and has met
- with the Secretary of Health to encourage consideration of these recommendations as the AHEAD
- model policies move forward; therefore, be it
- RESOLVED, that MedChi, representing Maryland’s physicians, must be the outspoken advocate
- for quality, accessible inpatient and outpatient medical care for Marylanders; and be it further
- RESOLVED, that MedChi should strive to be neutral as it relates to the current Total Cost of Care
- Model or the renegotiated AHEAD Model as its priority is advocating for quality, accessible
- inpatient and outpatient care.