Opportunities to Market Your Practice, Specialty or New Services to Physicians in Montgomery County
Interested in being an MCMS Corporate Member of PHYSICIAN CONNECT? Your company can have a Strategic, Business or Resource Connection with our physicians and their Staff!
For more information about any of these promotional opportunities, contact us at 301.921.4300 or info@montgomerymedicine.org.
Exhibit at or Sponsor an Educational or Networking Event
There are many opportunities to meet physicians and their staff at educational events and networking activities throughout the year. These events are held either at MCMS headquarters or at area venues. Physician members are also invited to promote their practice to physicians and their practice staff during the events.
Nonmember/Org: $250, $500 or $750/event Member Fee: ½ price
Advertise in MCMS Weekly Member Enews – Banner Advertisement
Distributed every Sunday to more than 1,500 area physicians, Enews is the Society’s primary email communication with our members/your colleagues. It features news, upcoming events, surveys and more.
(Note: If you are private practice physician member advertising for a physician to join your practice, there is NO CHARGE.)
Nonmember/Org Fee: $200/insertion Member Fee: $100/insertion
Place Your Company’s/Practice’s Classified Ad in MCMS Weekly Enews
Place your company’s or practice’s classified ad in the MCMS Weekly Member Enews. Distributed every Sunday to over 1,500 area physicians, Enews is the Society’s primary email communication with our members and your colleagues. Featuring a link to your practice’s home page, it provides an excellent opportunity to highlight your classified ad for space availability, upcoming events, job postings, and more.
Nonmember/Org Fee: $125/week Member Fee: $50/week
Place Your Company’s/Practice’s Classified Ad on the MCMS Website (One Month)
Website exposure (montgomerymedicine.org) with a link to your practice’s home page provides an opportunity to feature your classified ad for space available, upcoming events, help wanted, etc.
Nonmember/Org Fee: $50 Member Fee: $25
Promote Your Company/Practice through the MCMS Medical Practice Resources Listing
24/7 365 Listing in the Medical Practice Resources Section for one year under the heading you choose with a description about your company and a link to your site.
Nonmember/Org Fee: $300 Member Fee: $150
Purchase the MCMS Mailing List to Enhance Your Direct Mail Efforts
MCMS provides its mailing list for one-time use. It provides the most up-to-date information about physician members and their practices. It is searchable based on zip code, gender, specialty, and type of practice.
Base Charge: $25 + .15 per listing Member Fee: Base Charge: $10 + .05 per listing
Promote Your Organization via Dedicated MCMS Member Fax or Email
With the potential to reach more than 2,000 physicians, a dedicated fax or email is an ideal way to promote your practice to other physician members.
Nonmember Fee/Org: $250/occurrence Member Fee: $125/occurrence