The Patient Action Network (PAN) of Montgomery County is a program of the Montgomery County Medical Society (MCMS). PAN's mission is to enhance the partnership between patients and physicians through education, collaboration, and action on important healthcare issues.
Your physicians and their staff are your advocates. It is frustrating for patients and it is just as frustrating for your physicians who want to provide and prescribe the most appropriate medical care for you. It is common for physicians to spend hours every day online or on the telephone appealing decisions of health insurers or getting prior authorization to provide a treatment that your physician knows is in your health’s best interests. Often patients are unaware of these efforts which go on behind the scenes in a medical practice.
By joining together in this partnership, physicians and patients will be able to be more successful in identifying these barriers to care and in taking action to change regulations or legislation which allow these health insurer practices.
Share your story. It is important for physicians and elected officials to hear about the impact of regulations and legislation on your ability to access the care you need so they can better understand the impact of their policy making decisions.
PAN will provide patient education about important issues affecting your medical care. Providing patients with complete and current information helps create trust and enhances the physician-patient relationship. It empowers patients to participate in their own health care. Effective patient education also ensures that patients have sufficient information and understanding to make informed decisions regarding their care.
PAN will empower you to take action. When patients and physicians are working together to reach out to their elected officials about issues affecting healthcare – it can be a powerful influential voice. PAN will provide resources, recommendations for action and contact information for elected officials to help you take action.
Together, patient and physician voices can make a real difference with elected officials and policymakers to ensure they make the right decisions when it comes to the most important medical issues facing you and your family.
Join PAN to receive updates and alerts and
take action on issues that affect your medical care
Articles about important issues affecting your medical care