What’s Coming Up in This Legislative Session?

Naturopaths Prescribing? Really?!?

Yes, that’s what naturopaths want to do by attempting to expand their scope of practice in this session of the Maryland Assembly. We are willing to bet that not a single physician reading this news thinks that’s a good idea. But often, our legislators who are making these decisions in Annapolis need information about why this isn’t a good idea as they lack the appropriate training to prescribe or expand their scope further, so legislators need to hear from you. Stay tuned for more information about this bill and alerts which urge you to contact your legislator.

Another scope bill is coming and it’s one that MedChi and the Maryland Society of Otolaryngology are supporting  – which is a fix to a bill that was passed last year allowing audiologists scope of practice beyond their training. Watch out for this one too. We’ll need your help getting it passed to make sure audiologists do only what they are trained to do.

What else are we likely to face in this session of the Assembly? Attempts to change our tort climate. Sometimes these attempts are not direct and come in the form of a bill that doesn’t seem, on face value, to impact on Medicine. The truth is that it’s a slippery slope and, if passed, could easily be amended the following year to including medical tort claims.

We will also advocate on the Medicaid budget which we are glad to report did not sustain cuts when the budget came out this week. This will ensure continued access for people who have Medicaid.

There are many other issues coming before the Maryland Assembly between now and April 7th when it adjourns, and we will keep you abreast of these both in MCMS eNews and, as the session continues, in the form of legislative alerts.

Please consider signing up for MCMS’ Lobby Day on February 19. It’s an opportunity to voice your concerns to our legislative officials and their staff.