Complimentary Practice Administrator Membership
INTRODUCED BY: Montgomery County Medical Society
SUBJECT: Complimentary Practice Administrator Membership
- Whereas, MedChi is a physician organization and represents physicians of every specialty and practice
- mode; and
- Whereas, MedChi and its components serve the business needs of physicians and their medical
- practices; and
- Whereas, many of the programs and services of MedChi and its components are focused on helping
- physician practices be successful; and
- Whereas, the responsibilities of running a practice profitably and efficienty are those of the practice
- administrative staff; and
- Whereas, often practice administrators are the ones responsible for paying the membership dues of their
- physicians and may not be aware of the value of joining MedChi and the component societies; and
- Whereas, if they were more informed of our medical societies’ value, they could help recruit additional
- physicians to join MedChi and the components; and
- Whereas, practice administrator names and contact information is limited in ClearVantage – the shared
- membership database used by MedChi and the components; and
- Whereas, there is an existing membership category for practice administrators in the MedChi bylaws;
- and
- Whereas, MedChi’s House of Delegates has approved resolutions in the past which allow for innovation
- in developing new membership models to gain new members; therefore, be it
- RESOLVED, that MedChi and the components make every effort to improve the database of
- potential practice administrative members by requesting this information from member physicians
- gathering it at events, through surveys, and through direct contact with the practices, etc., and be it
- further
- RESOLVED, that MedChi and the components offer a two-year pilot program in which membership
- will be complimentary to a practice administrator as long as there is one paid Active Physician
- member in the practice for the 2025 and 2026 membership years to determine whether, due to a
- focused effort to gather practice administrator information and market this opportunity to them, will
- have a positive impact on overall physician membership as a result of the practice administrator
- becoming more aware of the many benefits and services of MedChi and the components, and
- provide a report of this pilot program to the House of Delegates with recommendations of whether
- this pilot program should become a permanent offering.