Establishing a Payment Floor for Physicians in Maryland
INTRODUCED BY: Montgomery County Medical Society
SUBJECT: Establishing a Payment Floor for Physicians in Maryland
- Whereas, payments by payors to physicians in Maryland are the next to the lowest of all states – #49 of 50; and
- Whereas, we have increasing difficulty recruiting physicians to Maryland because of practices’ inability to
- compete on compensation; and
- Whereas, we have a worsening physician workforce crisis; and
- Whereas, this workforce crisis is impacting patients’ ability to access primary and specialty care in
- Maryland; and
- Whereas, physicians in Maryland are seeing more of their patients in contiguous states because there is
- greater payor competition and third-party payment in those states; and
- Whereas, MedChi has advocated for a transparent payment floor in the renegotiation of the AHEAD waiver
- recognizing that requires all payors participating in the AHEAD model to pay physicians, healthcare
- practitioners, and regulated entities for care provided at or above the set payment floor; therefore be it
- RESOLVED, that MedChi seek and/or support legislation which will address the physician workforce crisis
- by working with the Maryland Department of Health and the Maryland Insurance Administration to establish
- a physician payment floor by 2026 equivalent to or exceeding Medicare payment and to include an annual
- upward adjustment equivalent to inflation.