Looking for a Few Good Grassroots Key Contacts


Are you interested in influencing legislative decisions that directly affect your medical practice in Maryland? Consider becoming a key contact for your state legislators!

To advance MedChi’s legislative agenda, building positive and proactive relationships with legislators is crucial. Legislators often make decisions on complex healthcare policies without in-depth knowledge of the field. This is where YOU can step in as a trusted subject matter expert and advisor.

As a leader in your field and a respected voice in your community, you are uniquely positioned to guide legislators on healthcare issues. By developing strong relationships, you can:

  • Advocate for bills that benefit patients and physicians.
  • Assist in drafting impactful legislation.
  • Shape policy debates and discussions.
  • Help move critical healthcare legislation through to becoming law.

MCMS is here to guide you through this process every step of the way. Whether it’s providing resources, training, or support, we are committed to helping you become an effective advocate.

If you have an existing connection with a legislator or would like to establish one, we’d love to hear from you. We are especially looking for physicians who live and/or practice in Districts 9, 18, 19, 20, and 39.

For more information or to express your interest, please contact Farhana Arastu at farastu@montgomerymedicine.org. Your expertise can make a lasting difference in the legislative process!