Medical School Tuition Forgiveness Through Service to Marylanders
INTRODUCED BY: Montgomery County Medical Society
SUBJECT: Medical School Tuition Forgiveness Through Service to Marylanders
- Whereas, the State of Maryland has a worsening medical workforce crisis; and
- Whereas, MedChi has advocated for and been successful in various legislative initiatives to address
- physician workforce issues including loan assistance; and
- Whereas, medical school tuition can be as much as $100,000 per year; and
- Whereas, Mike Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor, has given Johns Hopkins University
- $1 billion to eliminate tuition for most its current and future medical students; and
- Whereas, according to Mark Gladwin, M.D., Dean of the University of Maryland School of
- Medicine, “more than 70 percent of our students come from Maryland, and nearly 40 percent choose
- to practice here in the State;” and
- Whereas, the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) has been named among the
- top medical schools for primary care training in the new 2024 U.S. News & World Report rankings.
- The school was named a Tier 1 institution, which places it among the top 15 institutions in the nation
- for primary care training, and
- Whereas, medical students from Maryland need to be encouraged to stay in Maryland after
- completing their residencies in primary care to improve the increasing workforce crisis; therefore
- be it
- RESOLVED, that MedChi seek and/or support legislation or regulation that allows medical students
- who are residents of the State of Maryland at the time of their admission to the University of
- Maryland School of Medicine to have their tuition forgiven upon finishing their residency training
- in a primary care specialty, and establishing a primary care practice in Maryland if they dedicate at
- least five years to serving and caring for Marylanders.