Need for Data to Inform MedChi Policy & Legislative Actions
INTRODUCED BY: Montgomery County Medical Society
SUBJECT: Need for Data to Inform MedChi Policy & Legislative Actions
Whereas, data is one of the most valuable assets in today’s rapidly evolving healthcare
landscape, driving informed decision-making and shaping the future of patient care; and
Whereas, data-driven decision-making is essential for lawmakers, regulators, and policy
influencers, as evidence-based information forms the backbone of sound policy formulation
and regulatory frameworks; and
Whereas, MedChi physicians and leaders are increasingly asked by state and federal
legislators to provide concrete data to support their positions on issues such as third-party
payment inadequacies, workforce shortages, and patient care challenges; and
Whereas, without readily accessible data, MedChi is at a significant disadvantage in
effectively advocating for meaningful change on behalf of its members and the broader
healthcare community; and
Whereas, the current healthcare environment is complex, with rapid changes in
reimbursement models, workforce dynamics, and patient care needs that require real-time,
accurate data to support advocacy efforts; and
Whereas, MedChi has engaged consultants and firms in the past to survey physician trends
and workforce needs, recognizing the critical importance of data in shaping policy; and
Whereas, MedChi has taken steps to enhance its internal physician demographic data, but
lacks a comprehensive and centralized resource capable of providing economic, payer,
hospital, financial, health status, and demographic information on a continuous basis; and
Whereas, having a dedicated, in-house data resource would greatly strengthen MedChi’s
ability to respond to legislative and regulatory inquiries, bolster its lobbying efforts, and better
advocate for physicians and patients across the state; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that MedChi commit the necessary resources to develop and maintain a
repository of current economic, payer, hospital, financial, health status, and demographic
data, and make this resource available to MedChi physicians, leaders, staff, and contract
lobbyists to support policy initiatives and legislative actions; and that MedChi prioritize the
acquisition and integration of this economic, payer, hospital, financial, health status, and
demographic data repository as a critical function of its policy and advocacy efforts to ensure
that it remains a leading voice in healthcare policy in Maryland and beyond.