Establishment of a Publicly Accessible Database for Determining the Location of Medical Records of Retired or Relocated Physicians
INTRODUCED BY: Montgomery County Medical Society
SUBJECT: Establishment of a Publicly Accessible Database for Determining the Location of Medical Records of Retired or Relocated Physicians
Whereas, patients often face significant difficulties in locating their medical records after their
physician has retired or relocated, especially when several years have passed since the
physician left practice; and
Whereas, continuity of care and the ability to access historical medical records are critical to
ensuring patients receive appropriate and timely medical treatment; and
Whereas, the lack of a centralized, publicly accessible database for locating medical records
creates unnecessary barriers for patients and places a burden on them to navigate complex
processes to retrieve their own health information; and
Whereas, patients may be unaware of where their medical records are stored after a physician
retires or moves, leading to delays in obtaining important medical information for ongoing
care; and
Whereas, many states have implemented policies or regulations requiring retired or relocated
physicians to inform patients or state medical boards of the location of their medical records,
but Maryland currently lacks a standardized, easily accessible system for this purpose; and
Whereas, establishing a centralized database, which would contain no PHI, managed by the
Maryland Board of Physicians, would streamline the process for patients to locate their
medical records, reduce administrative burdens on healthcare providers, and enhance patient
care; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that MedChi seek and/or support legislation or regulation that requires the
Maryland Board of Physicians to establish and maintain a publicly accessible database where
patients can easily find the location of their medical records and/or information on how to
access the medical records of retired or relocated physicians; and that MedChi advocate for
legislation and/or regulatory measures, if necessary, to require physicians who retire, relocate,
or otherwise close their practice to inform the Maryland Board of Physicians of the storage
location for patient medical records, to ensure this information is available in the database for
a minimum of 7 years following the physician’s departure from practice.