From Our First Collegiality Dinner of 2019: Lots of Laughter & Commiseration
Reestablishing Old Bonds
The practice of medicine has changed, and how, when, and where physicians have the opportunity to connect with one another has changed with it. Last Thursday evening members came together at Stanford Grill in Rockville. They met colleagues they refer to but had never met in person, discussed their greatest day-to-day challenges, and provided mutual support and inspiration to one another. It was a reestablishment of the mutual respect and understanding that has always underpinned medicine.
Proud to be a Physician
We continued our #ProudToBeAPhysician campaign this year on signs, at the top of every name tag, and on the gift our members took back to their homes and their offices after the event: “Proud to be a Physician.” It isn’t a tagline or a marketing scheme; it is a truth that physicians carry with them. Let’s keep saying it, not just as a reminder to ourselves but as a declaration of lifelong commitment to the health and wellbeing of our patients and communities.
Attendees also took photos with new signs this year. The most popular? “Passion for the art of medicine. Compassion for my patients.” and “Proud to Practice Medicine in Montgomery County, MD.”