Montgomery County Babies Born Healthy Program (BBH)

The Montgomery County Babies Born Healthy Program (BBH) is an Initiative Developed in Response to Montgomery County’s High Disparity in Infant Mortality Rates

BBH is a comprehensive program that delivers evidenced based services to pregnant Black/ African American individuals. Potential clients who are Medicaid- eligible and reside in the areas of Silver Spring (White Oak, Hillandale, Wheaton, Aspen Hill), and Takoma Park may self-refer, be referred by their healthcare providers, other healthcare or social service agencies, community partners, or family/ friends. Other interested Montgomery County residents may be considered on a situational basis.

Babies Born Healthy is a home-visiting program comprised of registered nurses, certified lactation consultants, and community health workers. We enroll clients during pregnancy or within six weeks postpartum and follow them until six months postpartum. We use various educational methods, including in-person classes, virtual classes, home visits, phone calls, text messages, and social media.

Our Program Guide details topics to be covered, and when, according to the March of Dimes Becoming a Mom Curriculum

For more information, please call 240-777-3118 or email or


Please follow us on Instagram @babiesbornhealthmoco