NIH Spotlights Maternal Health Resources
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a special focus on maternal health during women’s history month, acknowledging the historical drivers of health inequity, and providing resources for physicians and health care organizations to continue the work of reducing disparities.
Diverse Voices Virtual Talk: Environmental Exposures and Disparities in Pregnancy on March 31, 2 PM
The “Diverse Voices” virtual lecture series highlights research to advance women’s health that incorporates an intersectional or multidimensional framework. This session will feature presentations from Dr. Tamarra James-Todd, Associate Professor of Environmental Reproductive Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Dr. Mahasin Mujahid, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health. To participate in this webinar, please register.
$500,000 NIH Technology Accelerator Challenge for Maternal Health: April 1st Registration Deadline
The deadline to submit an application for the NIH Technology Accelerator Challenge (NTAC) for Maternal Health is Friday, April 22, 2022. But you must register your application by Friday, April 1, 2022, for it to be considered. The challenge seeks to spur the development of prototypes for low-cost point-of-care diagnostic technologies to improve maternal health around the world. The prizes will be $500,000 for first place, $300,000 for second place, and $150,000 for third place, and there is the potential for multiple $50,000 awards for semifinalists and honorable mentions. Learn more and register.
Access IMPROVE Virtual Workshops On-Demand
IMPROVE is an NIH-wide initiative developed by the NIH Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Task Force. IMPROVE was established in response to the rising U.S. rates of pregnancy-related deaths. Access the first workshop in the series, Technology to Improve Maternal Health.