Practice Management
CMS Prior Authorization Proposed Rule
The following information is from an American Medical Association Press Release. The American Medical Association(AMA) applauds the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for expeditiously releasing the Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization Processes Proposed Rule, which would place new requirements on Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, state Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)…
Read MoreCOVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
On November 16, 2021, MCMS held a webinar with Jessica Summers, Esq. from the law firm of Paley Rothman on COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The webinar discussed both government-issued and voluntary employer mandates. Key government-issued mandates include the Maryland Order for Hospitals and Nursing Homes, Federal Executive Order 14042, the CMS Interim Final Rule, and the OSHA Emergency…
Read MoreOSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard for Healthcare
The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) for Healthcare on Thursday, June 10, 2021. The ETS is meant to protect healthcare and healthcare support service workers from occupational exposure to COVID-19 in settings where people with COVID-19 are reasonably expected to be present. Is My Practice…
Read MoreFinancial Relief Check-Up
There are numerous local and national programs for businesses in need of emergency support, but understanding which options are relevant for your medical practice can be a challenge. Find Out What Aid Applies to You in 3 Minutes or Less The Maryland Business Relief Wizard is a tool that helps connect businesses with the resources…
Read MoreSmoking Cessation during COVID-19: Use Trends and Opportunities
Tobacco cessation has long been a key public health aim. It can only be considered more critical now during the pandemic, as smoking has long been known to hamper immune system responses, especially with regards to pulmonary diseases and infections. With calls to quitlines down 27% in 2020, we must ask: How has COVID-19 impacted rates…
Read MoreEmployment Law Q&A: FFCRA & Return to Work Guidelines
On Tuesday, August 25, MCMS hosted a Q&A for physicians with James Hammerschmidt, Esq. and David Shapiro, Esq. of Paley Rothman, a Bethesda based law firm. The session began with a summary of developments related to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and CDC’s “Return to Work” guidelines, followed by a Q&A of participant submitted…
Read MoreAddressing Food Insecurity as Part of the Clinical Workflow: CRISP and Meals on Wheels
Food Insecurity in Maryland Before the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 600,000 Marylanders were served by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), according to the Maryland Department of Human Services. This number included seniors, children, people with disabilities, low-income families, and unemployed workers. COVID-19 subsequently caused hundreds of thousands of Marylanders lost jobs and income. Montgomery…
Read MoreMaryland Private Payors Banned from Cancelling Individual Policies for Nonpayment for 60 Days
On behalf of the Hogan Administration, Maryland Insurance Commissioner Kathleen A. Birrane has used her emergency powers to prevent health insurance companies from cancelling or refusing to renew individual health benefit plan policies for nonpayment of premiums for the next sixty days. Individual health benefit plan policies that were scheduled to terminate because of unpaid…
Read MoreCMS: Physicians May Opt-Out of MIPS for 2020
This week, CMS announced that physicians will have the option to opt-out completely or partially from the 2020 QPP’s MIPS program by completing a hardship exemption application and indicating it is due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). Individual clinicians and group practices have until December 31, 2020 to complete the hardship application. CMS plans on providing…
Read MoreMaryland Primary Care Program: Apply by July 14, 2020
The Maryland Primary Care Program (MDPCP) is in its second Performance Year and now recruiting for the 2021 Performance Year Three. The MDPCP is a voluntary program open to all qualifying Maryland primary care practices. It provides funding and support for the delivery of advanced primary care throughout the state. The MDPCP supports the overall…
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