Mental Health Resources for Physicians in Montgomery County
Physicians have long led the charge in fighting the stigma surrounding mental health disorders, and in supporting local organizations who offer mental health support for those who need it.
MCMS has created this resource base, ways physicians can use their voices as community leaders to continue the fight against stigma and to boost awareness of resources, and to support the wellbeing of physicians and of their colleagues.
Participate in NAMI’s WhyCare? Campaign on Social Media and on Practice Websites and Blogs
During May’s Mental Health Month, NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is hosting a WhyCare? awareness campaign. WhyCare? emphasizes how the “power of caring” can make a life-changing impact on the more than 40 million people in the U.S. who face the day-to-day reality of having a mental health condition. The campaign is focused on increasing education, resources, and access to care.
From NAMI’s Campaign Announcement: “Central to the campaign is encouraging others to learn the facts about mental illness. NAMI’s goal is to bring mental health education to all corners of our communities. With education, people can identify warning signs of mental health conditions and help someone who may be struggling.
“Navigating life with mental illness can be difficult, and NAMI wants to make it easier to find resources and people who care. The WhyCare? campaign features a webpage, sharable graphics and a downloadable emoji pack for smartphones— resources that can be used as a way to reach out to someone or to show your community that you care about those with mental illness.”By caring and working together, we can create positive change. We can shift the social and systemic barriers that prevent people from getting appropriate care and treatment. We can work towards a nation where everyone affected by mental illness can find the support and care they need to live healthy, fulfilling lives.”
For Physicians Seeking Confidential Counseling
Montgomery County Medical Society is dedicated to supporting the resiliency and well-being of our physician community. To this end, we initiated the National Capital Physicians Foundation (NCPF). NCPF’s inaugural program is the Physicians’ Resource Network, which provides high-quality counseling, coaching, education and resources that support physician well-being, resilience and growth. Its confidential counseling program provides three no-cost appointments to any practicing physician in Montgomery County, in the privacy of a therapists’ residence-based practice. No insurance is filed; no electronic records created. Access PRN.
Key Local Resources for Patient Referral and Support
Practices should consider printing out Montgomery County’s Mental / Behavioral Health Resources Listing and making it available to staff members, particularly at their front desk. The listing is updated online on a rolling basis, and includes many different types of resources, from crisis services to support groups to day facilities.
Montgomery County Crisis Center – Hotline: 240.777.4000
Provides crisis services 24 hours a day / 365 days a year. These services are provided over the telephone (240.777.4000) or in person at 1301 Piccard Drive in Rockville (no appointment needed). Mobile Crisis Outreach will respond anywhere within Montgomery County to provide emergency psychiatric evaluations. Full crisis assessments and treatment referrals are provided for all crises, both psychiatric and situational. In addition, the program has six crisis beds as an alternative to hospitalization for those who are uninsured or are insured within the public mental health system. There is no charge for crisis services.
Access Team – Montgomery County Mental Health Services for Children & Adults
240.777.1770 or 240.777.4710
This team helps people living in Montgomery County obtain and/or access behavioral health services (mental health and substance abuse). Adult consumers who are eligible for substance abuse services are linked to the Addictions Services programs in the County. Consumers of all ages who are eligible for the Public Mental Health System are linked with providers who are able to provide the requested service at a location convenient for the consumer. Spanish language capacity is immediately available. Assistance available for those who speak other languages.
EveryMind (formerly Mental Health Association of Montgomery County)
Adult Services: Case management services, including advocacy, education, and connection to resources so clients can remain stably housed and maintain self-sufficiency, as well as individual and family counseling in a community-based setting.
Youth Services: Case management for school-age youth (ages 12 and older) dealing with behavioral issues at school and home such as truancy, anger management, and bullying, as well as individual and family counseling.
Serving Together: Education, direct service, and coordination of resources for service members, Veterans, and their families throughout the DC region. Veteran and Family Peer Navigators are available at 1-855-738-7176 (Toll Free).
Friendly Visitor: Friendship and emotional support to older adults who are homebound, isolated, and lonely – to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, help individuals remain in the community, and maintain a safe home environment. Clients must be age 60 and older.
Representative Payee: Provides money management services to individuals with a disability or mental illness who are unable to manage their own finances – to ensure clients have enough funding for food, clothing, shelter, medication, and other needs. Clients must be 18 or older.
NAMI Montgomery County
Information Line: 301.949.5852
E-mail: info@namimc.org
Self-help, support, education, and advocacy for people with serious and persistent mental illnesses, their families, friends, and caregivers. Staff and Helpline
volunteers provide information – confidential referrals to providers of mental health services, including housing, vocational rehabilitation, legal assistance, day treatment, doctors, therapists and more. Offer a variety of free psychoeducation courses to caregivers, consumers, and other community members, and support groups.
Is there a resource that should be listed here? Contact us at 301.921.4300 or email Karissa Miller.